General information:
I did my postgraduate studies in general surgery at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India in 1999 before coming to the UK. I did my basic training and MD at
Belfast before joining the south west higher surgical training rotation in August 2011. I also worked in the liver transplant unit at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham and the
transplant unit at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge before coming to Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust as a HPB and Transplant Consultant in 2011.
General areas of expertise:
Complex hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgeries
General surgery
Renal and liver transplants
Particular areas of expertise:
Laparoscopic liver and pancreatic surgery
Lapaoscopic bile duct exploration
Inguinal hernias
Special interest in teaching and training
All four HPB consultant surgeons can be contacted as follows:
01752 432071
01752 761812
Care UK, Plymouth
0333 321 1953
Please contact us at the hospital where you are being treated. We shall do our best to answer your queries as quickly as possible.
We have tried to be as accurate as possible with the information in this website.
However, each patient is different, so some information may not apply to your specific circumstances.
Website platform:
1&1 MyWebsite
Website design:
Matthew Bowles